Name |
Extracted |
Size |
Date |
Description |
313BBS28.ZIP |
Yes |
22454 |
8/26/1993 |
Horst Mann's 313 area BBS list. Aug. 27, 1993
Yes |
5823 |
2/9/1991 |
List of phone exchanges in 313 area code
Yes |
4256 |
7/7/1989 |
Location of 3 digit prefixes in 313 area code
800NUM2.ZIP |
Yes |
2586 |
6/28/1990 |
Toll-free 800 BBS numbers as of July 1990
Yes |
77780 |
9/30/1993 |
10/01/93 - 9600+ bps BBS List - ASCII
BBS list of over 3,000 US BBS's supporting
9600 bps or faster CONNECT rates, sorted by
Area Code.
Yes |
50515 |
4/1/1992 |
AMERIBOARDS: Nationwide BBS listing, Apr. 1992
BBS1192B.ZIP |
Yes |
96816 |
11/6/1992 |
'THELIST' national BBS list for November 1992
Yes |
59715 |
7/16/1992 |
Search any BBS or FTP site list for keywords
Yes |
24427 |
9/24/1994 |
BBS Locator, avoids 313BBS.LST zone/toll calls
Yes |
14244 |
2/3/1991 |
List of Desktop Publishing BBSs, Feb. 1991
ENGR0592.ZIP |
Yes |
31106 |
5/2/1992 |
Engineering-oriented U.S. BBS list, May 1992
Yes |
2112 |
1/3/1991 |
Listing of government-run bulletin boards
HAM9204.ZIP |
Yes |
10387 |
4/17/1992 |
List of BBSs w/Amateur Radio interests, Apr 92
HCAP0492.ZIP |
Yes |
24876 |
3/27/1992 |
List of handicap-related BBS's (April 1992)
MED0992.ZIP |
Yes |
14753 |
9/7/1992 |
Medical/Science/EMS/Fire BBS list (Sept. 1992)
ML0792D.ZIP |
Yes |
88401 |
6/30/1992 |
MEGAlist BBS list, July 1992, with list viewer
Yes |
29106 |
5/21/1992 |
List of open *NIX systems
Yes |
151557 |
4/23/1995 |
The Phone Number Cruncher v2.0.
Want to check if a phone number is local
REALLY fast? Want dozens of numbers to
local bbses in SECONDS by scanning thru
bbslists and captured files? If so, you
must get the PNC. EASY to setup and use!
Yes |
15727 |
6/29/1992 |
Tacoma Washington area BBS list, July 1992
Yes |
162033 |
7/29/1995 |
USBBS National BBS Listing for August, 1995.
Listing of IBM-based BBS systems. The
listing contains 4,470 entries with 135 new
or modified entries this month. Editor: Bob
Breedlove. Send new entries, updates to
BOBsBBS 916-929-7511. Questions or comments:
Yes |
41879 |
10/13/1994 |
Search/display USBBS list. Needs USBBSNNN.ZIP
Yes |
18861 |
3/14/1990 |
Convert USBBS list to comma-delimited text
Yes |
72621 |
5/30/1995 |
USBBSUP: The USBBS National BBS list
remote update program. Allows updates
via Internet Mail. If this program is
more that 3 months old, check for
additional script update programs.
Yes |
49452 |
1/8/1991 |
List of 2000+ public BBSs world-wide, Jan '91